Software and hardware I use on a regulary basis
These are the things I use to stay productive, or buy to fool myself into thinking I’m being productive when I’m really just procrastinating. Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff.
16” MacBook Pro, M1, 32GB RAM (2021)
I was using an Intel-based 16” MacBook Pro prior to this and the difference is night and day. Especially when it comes to battery duration.
Development tools
I switched to PhpStorm from Sublime Text a few years ago and cannot imagine not using an IDE anymore. I surely struggle sometimes with the performance but I do not want to be missing out on some of the essential features like automatic refactoring.
I’m honestly not even sure what features I get with this that aren’t just part of the macOS Terminal but it’s what I use.
Great software for working with databases. Has saved me from building about a thousand admin interfaces for my various projects over the years. It is ok to look at and easy to use.
I switched to Raycast from Alfred a few months ago and I’m really happy with the speed improvement. Even started to build some custom extensions since it is all possible in JavaScript.
Honestly I do not know why I started using TickTick. But I need some To-do app or I would forget everything. It is simple. It's synchronized to my phone. It works.